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Sod Cutter Design

RYAN, the leader in turf and lawn renovation, was looking to improve the user experience of their sod cutters with more intuitive controls, improved ergonomics, and easy-to-follow instructions for professional and novice users alike.


Design Research

Following proven human factors guidelines and standards, we studied the user interactions with the machine and assessed the associated opportunities and potential hazards. Our research allowed us to make meaningful recommendations to improve safety and minimize fatigue for the end user.


Industrial Design

Grounded in our design research, we provided design options that improve usability while maintaining functional reliability and elevate the visual brand language of the already well-respected Ryan brand.


UI/UX Design

A “dashboard” quick reference user guide provides a color coded interface that utilizes contextual iconography to guide the user through machine setup and operation. With clear instructions, both novice and pro users can optimize their safety and effectiveness when operating the Ryan Sod Cutter — A win for users and Ryan!
